Genius Project
This project was a solo project. We were challenged to create some sort of presentation on a topic that we are passionate about, which is also related to technology or engineering. There was really no restrictions on the project.
The technological concepts of this project were being able to use the internet to research our topic. We could also use the computers and internet to make a presentation for the class. A video is also another use of the internet which I incorporated into my project.
My learning goals for this project were to be able to research something I am passionate about successfully, create a solid presentation to explain my findings, and to learn more about the aerodynamics of Formula 1.
My project was on the aerodynamics in Formula 1, and how they work. I chose this topic because I'm a life long Formula 1 fan and wanted to learn more about how it works. My presentation was a slide show. I had one slide over-viewing Formula 1, as not too many people are familiar with it, and a slide over-viewing aerodynamics as a whole. I then had another slide linking Formula 1 and aerodynamics and briefly covering the relationship. I then had a short YouTube video explaining further the aerodynamics involved in Formula 1. I then had slides covering the front wing, side vents and air intake, and the rear wing.
I enjoyed this project as a whole. It gave me huge freedom to choose any topic that interested me. I enjoyed it because I learnt more about something I am passionate about and I like knowing how thing work.
If I were to redo this project I would only change one thing. I would try and go more in depth into the actual workings of the aerodynamics and how the physics of it works. I think this would add a little extra to the project and also further my knowledge.
The technological resources of this project were both actual technologies. The first was the internet, this allowed me to find out more about the subject and allow me to create the project. The second was a documentary I watched about the workings of Formula 1 cars, this furthered my understanding.
The biggest challenge I faced in this project was the actual information. It is extremely complex and difficult to understand. This prevented me from going as in depth as I would like because I simply did not understand the ideas and concepts. It was also a little difficult to put the information into the presentation to where it was easily graspable.
I learned a lot about the workings of Formula 1 cars and the aerodynamics of them which makes them so fast. I also learnt a lot about aerodynamics itself. It is a very interesting field which I may research a little later in my life.
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